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Shandong Branch of Shanxi Changda won the bid
Date:2016-3-19 Hits:587
Warm congratulating the Shandong Branch won the bid about line of Linhe to white knots that belong to the highway about Beijing to Urumchi (LBAMSG-2 tenders). In this bid, the owner plan to purchase1.40 million USD of thermoplastic road marking paint.
Shanxi Changda Traffic Facilities Co.,Ltd is not only a technology innovation construction enterprise but also is a big manufacturer to produce the various road paints (includes solvent paint, thermoplastic paint, MMA two-component road paint) in China and also is recognized as a high quality company. What’s more, the MMA two-component road paint annual output is 300 tons which occupy the half market of China road paint.

Shanxi Changda Traffic Facilities Co.,Ltd will continue to develop the sales markets of road paint and give the feedback to customers with the high quality service &high quality paint.

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