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Warm congratulating Shanxi Changda won the recognition of high-tech enterprises
Date:2016-3-2 Hits:584
Recently,Shanxi Changda Traffic Facilities Co.,Ltd relyed on its professional R&D team and strong technical strength and continuous innovation and scientific management through the recognition of high-tech enterprise and obtain the “Certificate of high-tech enterprise” issued by Shanxi science and Technology Department & Shanxi Finance Department & Shanxi State Taxation Bureau & Shanxi Local Taxation Bureau. Shanxi Changda Traffic Facilities Co.,Ltd became one of high-tech enterprises.
According to relevant regulation, within the validity period of recognition about high-tech enterprise, the enterprises can enjoy tax break. The high-tech enterprise certification not only a mark of success but also a responsibility that Shanxi Changda
need to provide high-quality service and high quality paint to customers.

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Copyright:Shanxi Zhongtu Traffic Technology Co.,Ltd Tel: 86-0351-7024089 Fax: 86-0351-7020760