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Executives Of Evonik Industries visit Changda
Date:2013-1-16 Hits:3811


The Evonik Industries senior vice president Dr.Dietmar Wewers and the global marketing director of road marking Dr.Wilhelm Karnbrock companying with the DU Weichuan from Shanghai branch to visit Changda. President DU Limin, general manager WANG Aipeng and the VP of marketing XUE Xiaodong of Changda met with them, what's more, both sides had a 90 minutes of talks.

Evonik Industries from German is a world top 500.This visit aims to analysis the Chinese market with Changda and do a research of future cooperate with each other. Evonik Industries approved the past achievement that Chngda achieved and hoped to establish a further deepen cooperation with each other.


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