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Two-component high-light reflective road marking paint is not afraid of poor reflection
Date:2019-8-26 Hits:226
Regardless of whether it is on a highway or a city road, road markings are your other eye as a line of sight. Therefore, it is important to see the road traffic markings during the day and the night. According to research, the probability of accidents and the reflective properties of road marking paints is as high as 70%. If the reflective performance of road markings is not good, it means blind eyes, road markings can not give drivers normal line of sight induction. It will not effectively reduce traffic accidents. Therefore, The reflective performance of road marking paints is crucial.
The two-component high-light reflective road marking paint is different from the ordinary two-component road marking paint, and not only has high initial retroreflection value and excellent continuous reflection, but also has the low speed of retroreflection coefficient of road markings changes with timeand the road traffic markings have a long life. Shanxi Zhongtu Traffic Technology Co., Ltd. is the first to propose the concept of highlight reflective road marking in China. After numerous trials, it improved the two-component road paint formula and developed a glass bead specially designed for two-component high-light marking paint. Ultimately, the strong adhesion of road marking paint and glass beads is achieved, and the anchoring of the glass beads is achieved, which is also the key to the continuous reflection of the two-component high-reflective road traffic marking.
Two-component high-light reflective road marking paint is not afraid of poor reflection
In some projects, the initial retroreflection value of the two-component road marking can be 500mcd·m-2·1x-1 or even 600mcd·m-2·1x-1 or more. Such road markings have high reflective brightness can be achieved by using large-size glass beads. Of course the large-size glass beads can be applied in thermoplastic road marking, but its continuous high-reflective effect is not satisfactory.
The two-component high-light reflective road marking has been widely applied in some road sections with relatively high requirements or poor reflective performance of existing products, and also has become a new star in the road traffic marking paint market, with a rapid growth momentum.
Two-component high-light reflective road marking paint is not afraid of poor reflection

Two-component high-light reflective road marking paint is not afraid of poor reflection
Due to the reflection of roadmarkings involves traffic safety so it is more important. The persistent reflectivity of two-component highlight road traffic markings has been tested by practice. Therefore, In the future, we should increase the promotion and use of two-component high-reflective road traffic marking paint in the marking market.At the same time, we also call on people to pay more attention to the continuous reflectivity of road traffic marking paint.
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